Change iphoto library location pc
Change iphoto library location pc

change iphoto library location pc

That said, the difference is simple: iPhoto makes changes only to the iPhoto Library. What is the difference between iPhoto library and photos library on Mac? For example, you could keep separate libraries for personal photos and work photos. You can create additional photo libraries to organize your photos, albums, and projects, and then switch between the libraries. Can I have multiple photos libraries on Mac? To switch between libraries, you will need to quit iPhoto, launch iPhoto while pressing Option, and choose a different library to open. Unless you hit Option when launching iPhoto to choose a library to open, iPhoto will open the last library you used. Lastly, there is no way to designate a default iPhoto library. How do I change my default iPhoto library? From the resulting menu select “Other Library” and navigate to the new location. Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch Photos. How do I change my photos library location?Ĭopy the Photos Library from your Pictures Folder to an external disk. Click on the name of the library you want to open.Hold down the Option key on your keyboard.Make sure that Photos is not open (quit if it is).

#Change iphoto library location pc how to

How to switch between Libraries in Photos for Mac How do I switch between photo libraries on Mac?

  • 20 How big can a Mac Photos library be?.
  • 19 How do I set up iCloud Photo library?.
  • 18 Can I delete Photos library from Mac?.
  • 17 What happened to my Photo library on Mac?.
  • 16 What’s the difference between an album and a folder?.
  • 15 How do you sort thousands of pictures?.
  • 14 What is the difference between a folder and an album in Mac photos?.
  • 13 Is photos for Mac better than iPhoto?.
  • 12 Why does my Mac have two photo libraries?.
  • 11 Why is my photo library taking up so much space?.
  • 10 How do I merge two photo libraries on a Mac?.
  • 9 How do I move pictures from one photos library to another?.
  • change iphoto library location pc

    8 How do I manage my apple photo library?.7 How do I manage large photo library on Mac?.5 What is the difference between iPhoto library and photos library on Mac?.4 Can I have multiple photos libraries on Mac?.3 How do I change my default iPhoto library?.2 How do I change my photos library location?.1 How do I switch between photo libraries on Mac?.Locate and select the iPhoto Library in its new location.Keep the Option key held down until you are prompted to create or choose an iPhoto Library. Hold down the Option key on the keyboard and open iPhoto.If you are using iPhoto ’06 or earlier, you will need to follow these steps to tell iPhoto where the Library is now located: iPhoto will remember this new location in the future. If you are using iPhoto ’08 or later, you can double-click the iPhoto Library icon in its new location to open iPhoto. Drag the iPhoto Library folder or package to its new location.Open your Pictures folder and select the iPhoto Library.To move the iPhoto Library folder or package to a new location: Note: If you move, delete, rename, or change files or folders in the iPhoto Library folder, you may be unable to see your pictures in iPhoto. The following steps only apply to iPhoto 2 and later.

    change iphoto library location pc

    Move the entire folder or package and then identify its new location in iPhoto. If you want to move your iPhoto Library folder or package to a new location, you must The iPhoto Library folder or package contains imported photos and any albums you’ve created using iPhoto.

    Change iphoto library location pc